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Craving some company? Celebrate Digital Wellness Day by attending a physical or virtual event.

Prefer to celebrate solo? We have resources for that, too! Please take the pledge to receive your toolkit.

The following events are listed in order, in Eastern Standard Time.

Join the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance - Session 2

Join the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance - Session 2 and Text Less Live More join forces to bring you the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance. Attend this virtual event that is launched on Digital Wellness Day! You'll see how students across the country are motivating each other to find tech-life balance, and how you can join in on the fun this coming week!

The Coronavirus has made our “new normal” virtually tech-dependent - for school, work, socializing, and pretty much everything else - making it harder than ever to find this balance. 

Before Covid-19, the LookUp Challenge was led by students in their school or community group because doing it with others makes it easier and fun. Given our "stay-at-home" orders, families can make this a household affair! Teachers can engage their students remotely, and students can then motivate their friends to join in. We can all share stories in our LookUp Challenge Facebook group. Register NOW at

Join us on May 2 at 12 PM PST/ 3 PM EDT at

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Dancing to Digital Wellness

Dancing to Digital Wellness

Dancing to Digital Wellness

Working, schooling, and everything-ing from home? We all need to release that tech tension. Yet, so often we find that members of the same family, who are in the same house, end up further separating in their free time, listening to different music on their own devices, with headphones or earbuds in. We believe that music is best when shared as it unites and energizes us through movement, and cultivates joy.  

Digital Wellness Parent Educator, and founder of Family AFK (Away from Keyboard) Kim D'Arcy, is working with students, teachers and administrators from Marin County elementary schools to bring you the first (pilot) Dancing to Digital Wellness event. They are curating a fun and family-friendly dance playlist that will be shared via Spotify to all participants, students and families alike.  

On May 1st from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. PST, everyone will join together and will play the same music in their individual homes, coming together for a remote dance party, knowing they are joined by hundreds of others nearby, dancing to the same beat!  Music and movement are great moderators of moods and overall wellness. When you need to be uplifted or inspired, there are few things, if any, that can rival them - especially when it’s with people you love! 

We hope families feel motivated to celebrate Digital Wellness Day in this way, and that beyond May 1st, 2020, families compile their own family playlists that they can enjoy listening to together, maybe even making it a Friday night tradition. Students and families affiliated with schools that are coordinating the event will get the Spotify playlist link through their principals and teachers. 

For everyone else, the exclusive Spotify playlist for Dancing to Digital Wellness will be available on the FamilyAFK website, no later than April 30th.

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Celebrating Digital and Mental Wellness In the Age of Corona

Celebrating Digital and Mental Wellness In the Age of Corona

*Please take this FREE VIA Character Survey prior to the event and bring your results*

Celebrate the first ever Digital Wellness Day with Liana Pavane, digital wellness coach and Founder of TTYL, and Teodora Pavkovic, a psychologist, parenting coach and international speaker. Even though we can't help but live in a virtual world right now, we want to take this unique opportunity to share our expertise on how to best balance your screen time while physically distancing from others. Prior to our conversation, we will ask you to prepare by taking the [free] VIA Character Strengths Survey. Come with your results, and we will help match you to the activities that will serve you best during this time!

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Digital Wellness and Physicality

Digital Wellness and Physicality

Physicalizing Digital Wellness will be a digital gathering for Nested Feng Shui followers, friends, family, and anyone else interested in attending to discuss ways to implement digital wellness in our homes. The event will begin by linking the Digital Flourishing Survey and asking attendees to take a moment to answer and receive their results; this will give everyone a baseline and common vocabulary for discussion. The discussion will focus on healthy habits and ways to bring balance to our homes and technology use. The event will be around an hour and include a grounding mediation at the end to unite the group.

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Living Our Best Lives Online and Offline

Living Our Best Lives Online and Offline

 1). Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of time you and your kids are online or are you flourishing?

2). How do we stay connected in a meaningful way?

3). Would you like to have a relationship with technology, that promotes optimal health and well-being in which body, mind and spirit are integrated to live more fully?

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Unplugged - A Digital Wellness Event

Unplugged - A Digital Wellness Event

Join us on Instagram Live at 2pm on May 1st for a Digital Wellness training. We'll be learning what it looks like to take time away from our devices. We'll look at how this effects our own health, relationships, sleep, productivity and in times of social distancing our loneliness. Follow Talk More Tech Less on these platforms for announcements

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Experience JOMO with Grounding Nature Practices from David Suzuki Foundation's Queen of Green

Experience JOMO with Grounding Nature Practices from David Suzuki Foundation's Queen of Green

How to get Vitamin “N” (for “nature”) when you can’t get outside:

Studies show time enjoying the natural world can reduce stress and anxiety, make people more generous, reduces anger and frustration, build a strong sense of community, combat loneliness, and more.

But how can you experience nature’s mystery and beauty from indoors?

Join us for this 30-minute Instagram Live with Lindsay Coulter, David Suzuki Foundation's Queen of Green, as she shares indoor and outdoor strategies for depending nature connection.

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Join the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance - Session 1

Join the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance - Session 1 and Text Less Live More join forces to bring you the LookUp Challenge: Week of Balance. Attend this virtual event that is launched on Digital Wellness Day! You'll see how students across the country are motivating each other to find tech-life balance, and how you can join in on the fun this coming week!

The Coronavirus has made our “new normal” virtually tech-dependent - for school, work, socializing, and pretty much everything else - making it harder than ever to find this balance. 

Before Covid-19, the LookUp Challenge was led by students in their school or community group because doing it with others makes it easier and fun. Given our "stay-at-home" orders, families can make this a household affair! Teachers can engage their students remotely, and students can then motivate their friends to join in. We can all share stories in our LookUp Challenge Facebook group. Register NOW at

Join us on May 1 at 12 PM PST/ 3 PM EDT at

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Collective Well-Being Boost

Collective Well-Being Boost

Are you thankful for someone (or a group of people) that helped uplift you during the challenging times of the coronavirus pandemic?  
Join us in a practice that will boost our collective well-being leading up to Digital Wellness Day on Friday, May 1st!
Write a gratitude letter to someone (or a group of people) you want to thank. Then, deliver your letter using a digital tool of your choice (i.e. Zoom, E-mail, FaceTime, Marco Polo, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
For example, if you would like to express your gratitude to essential workers, like health care professionals, write a gratitude letter and then record a video of yourself reading the letter to post to your social media accounts or to e-mail to a local health care administrator.
On Digital Wellness Day - Friday, May 1st, we will gather as a community via a Zoom call to discuss our experience of delivering our letters.
Let’s connect meaningfully and share our gratitude!
When posting to social media, please use the hashtags:

Zoom Call Details:
Topic: Collective Well-Being Boost
Time: May 1, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 2668 4949

Password: dwd2020

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 Voxel Hub Aspects of Digital Wellbeing Live

Voxel Hub Aspects of Digital Wellbeing Live

Join us in celebrations of the Digital Wellness Day this Friday, 1 May, at 7 PM GMT over on our Instagram account (@voxelhuborg). We will be sharing our insights on the core aspects of our digital wellbeing model to encourage your personal reflection and hopefully to inspire you to explore your relationship with digital technologies. 

Post your questions in advance of the event over on Twitter under #VoxelHub hashtag.

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The Digital Wellness Diet

The Digital Wellness Diet

Join Kai for a free 30-minute webinar on optimizing your Digital Wellness Diet as she lays out the necessary ingredients to live and work well. Nourishment comes in many forms and our little daily habits have a huge impact! Fuel your energy for greater productivity, a positive outlook, and the mindset to grow in the face of adverse conditions.

Register at:

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Digital Wellness Primer for Educators

Digital Wellness Primer for Educators

This workshop will provide educators with a primer on managing technology use in a way that supports their health and well-being. 

Educators face increasing demands in effectively employing various digital tools in teaching and supporting the well-being of their students. This is especially critical during the COVID pandemic when educators must rapidly adapt to teaching exclusively online. Although the primary focus in education is directed at supporting students, educators themselves face challenges in establishing a healthy approach to using digital technologies in their work.

Two experts in the field of digital wellness will draw on their research and practical experience to help educators in gaining greater awareness of how they can thrive with technology. Dr. Anna Lomanowska, Director of Research Partnerships at the Digital Wellness Collective, will discuss a framework for enhancing digital wellness in different areas of life. Dr. Aga Palalas, Assistant Professor in the Centre for Distance Education at Athabasca University, Canada will provide practical insights for establishing healthy digital habits based on her many years of experience teaching online. 

This workshop is aimed at educators at all levels and areas of teaching and all levels of expertise with online teaching.

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Digital Wellness Day Special: Practical Advice for Parents

Digital Wellness Day Special: Practical Advice for Parents

ZOOM Workshop for DWD: Practical Advice for Parenting in the Digital Age

Guide your kids to develop safe, savvy and ethical digital skills.
This workshop begins with understanding what your kids are doing online so you are empowered to set reasonable limits and expectations for tech use in your home. Parents will get step-by-step instruction on privacy and safety settings across popular mobile devices, apps, browsers, games and search engines. You will learn strategies for encouraging healthy tech habits and raising kids who are able to use technology and social media safely, responsibly and productively. In this workshop emphasis will be on modeling good digital habits, mentoring your family to make good choices, listening to your kids and how my practical solutions will help you lose the guilt over not being perfect.

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All Tech Is Human: Teens, Social Connection, & Mental Health Technology

All Tech Is Human: Teens, Social Connection, & Mental Health Technology

Can an app improve feelings of social connection? Let's look at the role of mental health technology now & post-COVID.

Join us online for a conversation with two experts working with teens & mental health technology, Danielle Ramo, PhD (Clinical Psychologist and Research Director at Hopelab) and Vicki Harrison, MSW (Program Director of the Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing, Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences).

Participate in our livestream. Can't make the time? Sign up for our event, and we will send you a recording. This discussion will be livestreamed, and include plenty of opportunity for audience comments and participation. We will be livestreaming to our YouTube page, our website's homepage, Periscope page, and embedded on our Twitter account.

The talk will be moderated by David Ryan Polgar, the founder of All Tech Is Human. Watch our last three livestream conversations: The Ethics of Contact Tracing | Reducing Misinformation While Promoting Free Expression | Covid-19, Surveillance, & Ethics

FOLLOW ALONG #AllTechIsHuman #DigitalWellnessDay





Danielle Ramo, PhD is a clinical psychologist and research director at Hopelab, a social innovation lab designing science-based technologies to support adolescent health and emotional well-being. She is also Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UC San Francisco, leading a research program at the intersection of substance use and digital mental health. She has published over 80 peer-reviewed publications and multiple book chapters in substance use and mental health among young people, and received grants from the National Institutes of Health and the California Tobacco-Related Diseases Research Program. Dr. Ramo has written opinion pieces for outlets including the San Francisco Chronicle and Thrive Global, and regularly speaks to teens and parents about substance use and mental health in the digital age.

Vicki Harrison, MSW is Program Director of the Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing within Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She has over twenty years of experience working within the public health, education and mental health sectors developing and managing innovative, community-based programs at the local, state, national and international levels. At the Center, she develops and directs a broad portfolio of projects promoting wellbeing, early intervention and increased access to mental health services, particularly for young people ages 12-25. She is leading the technical assistance team implementing allcove - a first of its kind integrated youth mental health model in the U.S.; as well as building a national Media and Mental Health Initiative, partnering with the media, mental health and technology sectors to enhance the positive impact of media on youth mental health and wellbeing. Locally, she also supports schools and the community with suicide prevention, stigma reduction, and mentoring and educational events such as the biennial Adolescent Mental Wellness Conference and youth mental health innovation challenges.

All Tech Is Human

All Tech Is Human is an accelerator for tech consideration and hub for responsible tech. By promoting knowledge-sharing & collaboration among a broad range of stakeholders, we aim to lessen the gap between how quickly we develop and deploy emerging technology and how slowly we consider its use, misuse, and unintended consequences. By leveraging the collective intelligence of the community, we can build a more thoughtful tech future.


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TLLM Digital Wellness Virtual Panel

TLLM Digital Wellness Virtual Panel

Join TextLess Live More, Students Against Destructive Decisions,, and other Digital Wellness Warriors for an Instagram Live Panel celebrating Digital Wellness Day. Hear from these experts on why digital wellness matters and learn strategies that will serve youth and beyond.

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A-GAP Webinar with Alexa Eden on Cultivating Peace in Chaos

A-GAP Webinar with Alexa Eden on Cultivating Peace in Chaos

Join A-GAP as we learn to Cultivate Peace in Chaos with Urban Wellness Consultant Alexa Eden. 

QUIET THE NOISE: Too many digital responsibilities? Use this hour to silence the outside world, and explore how you're really experience this crisis. 

LIMIT DISTRACTIONS: Human's essential nature is vulnerable to the ego. We're prone to destroy and distract when we are not careful. Let's reframe this, and finally give you back your power. 

CULTIVATE PEACE: We may not be in control of our foreseeable future, but we do have the power to harness peace. Use these skills to be unstoppable - even in the face of uncertainty. 

ORGANIZE YOUR MIND: Much to process in times like these. Don't let your mind get caught up. Keep thinking big, while implementing internal systems to train and sustain even the darkest of waters.

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Raising Happy, Durable Kids in the Digital Age: Author Talk Livestream with Audrey Monke and Jenifer Joy Madden

Raising Happy, Durable Kids in the Digital Age: Author Talk Livestream with Audrey Monke and Jenifer Joy Madden

Join two parenting advice powerhouse authors for an unprecedented inaugural Digital Wellness Day live broadcast of the Sunshine Parenting Podcast. Longtime camp owner and counselor Audrey Monke, author of Happy Campers: 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Who Become Thriving Adults, hosts health journalist and tech hygienist Jenifer Joy Madden, author of How to Be a Durable Human: Revive and Thrive in the Digital Age Through the Power of Self-Design. Watch this to double your can-do strategies for effective, mindful family management through Coronavirus and beyond!

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Digital Wellness Day: Creating Digital Safe Spaces

Digital Wellness Day: Creating Digital Safe Spaces

This Digital Wellness Day, Media Done Responsibly is asking the question, "How do we create Digital Safe Spaces?" How might we develop online virtual communities where we feel safe being ourselves? Spaces where our privacy is respected, where our voices are heard, and where our differences are acknowledged and positively validated. Spaces where we grow, play, have fun, make great new connections, listen, learn and build empathy and new experiences.

Participate in Digital Wellness Day by joining Media Done Responsibly College Mentors on the Zoom app for a virtual 45-minute *Living Room Conversation. We'll dialogue together about making digital spaces safe for everyone.

**Visit our Main Page for a lineup of events starting at 9am and going until 6pm Pacific Standard Time on Friday, May 1st. Register for free to get login information. Living Room Conversations and Art Chats take place on the Zoom app. Comedian and Artist Q&A take place on Instagram Live. See your tickets for details.

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Deep Breathing Webinar

Deep Breathing Webinar

Inspired by his mentor Wim “The Iceman” Hof and Tibetan masters, Hannes Bend has been guiding “Smile of Breath” classes at renowned museums (Rubin Museum, Frost Science), conferences (Stanford) and offices (Google, WeWork).

Explore joy-fun deep breathing techniques to calm and energize. Learn simple tricks to integrate and improve into your daily life to relax and uplift with every breath.

The 40-min session offers scientifically studied techniques to practice at any time at home. Experience the “energy body” within minutes with e.g. tingling sensations
+ Detach from remote hustle into your subtle mind-body
+ Relax more and more with every breath
+ Improve health, attention and avoid sickness
+ Learn how to sleep better with breathing
+ Gain mood boosts
+ Clinical studies on Wim Hof breathing techniques showed coping of injections of e.coli bacteria, acid to alkaline blood pH level changes and a release of more adrenaline than a first bungee jumper through breathing!

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Digital Wellness Day Mini-Summit: 12+ Ways to Reset Your Kid's Screen Life 9-5 CST

Digital Wellness Day Mini-Summit: 12+ Ways to Reset Your Kid's Screen Life 9-5 CST

On Digital Wellness Day, Unplugged Family will host a mini-Summit on its Facebook page. Over a dozen experts will share their most practical digital wellness advice to help you, mom and dad, set up your digital natives for success in this screen-obsessed world. Each expert will share a free resource.

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You are Made for More

You are Made for More

Life after COVID-19 is going to be the same as it was before unless you make the brave and bold decision to DO something different.

Quarantine has many of us questioning a lot of what we’ve considered “stable” and what gives us real stability in our lives. Things that we relied on for years may no longer be giving us what we need to thrive. This period of time may have us craving change, but feeling unsure of where to begin. 

In honor of Digital Wellness Day (May 1), Acheloa Wellness presents: YOU ARE MADE FOR MORE, a one-time webcast that offers a dose of wellness that will leave you empowered, inspired and ready to take the reins of your well-being. We'll be walking through 5 powerful shifts that'll set you up for More.

This webinar is for you if you’re seeking better health, more confidence, stronger relationships, better clarity and overall improvement in all areas of your life.

YOU ARE MADE FOR MORE is free to join, but registration is required. Replay access will be made available to registrants for a limited time!

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Understanding and Accepting Fear

Understanding and Accepting Fear

A short commentary and guided meditation on understanding and accepting fear by Michał Niemczycki. We would like to share this with you in light of the current pandemic and as part of Digital Wellness Day. Mudita hope that it brings you some peace of mind during these difficult times. 

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Living Mindfully in Digital Age
to May 1

Living Mindfully in Digital Age

Learn how to be mindful in an era of accelerating technology. We’ll explore how technology is shaping our emotional reactions – and how we can use mindfulness and emotional intelligence to build thriving relationships despite the pressures of the Digital Age.

An insightful, fun session for people curious to connect and learn together.

We will discover:
● How we become distracted and our attention is captured by digital platforms.
● Our own patterns around communication and how online communication can undermine and/or enhance authentic connection.
● The latest research on building a healthy relationship between people and technology.

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