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Celebrating Digital and Mental Wellness In the Age of Corona

*Please take this FREE VIA Character Survey prior to the event and bring your results*

Celebrate the first ever Digital Wellness Day with Liana Pavane, digital wellness coach and Founder of TTYL, and Teodora Pavkovic, a psychologist, parenting coach and international speaker. Even though we can't help but live in a virtual world right now, we want to take this unique opportunity to share our expertise on how to best balance your screen time while physically distancing from others. Prior to our conversation, we will ask you to prepare by taking the [free] VIA Character Strengths Survey. Come with your results, and we will help match you to the activities that will serve you best during this time!

May 1

Digital Wellness and Physicality

May 1

SignOff (get)Together ~ Digital Wellness Day 2020